Purchasing my first professional SLR film camera in 1975 began my photographic journey, more importantly, my taking time to really look, and then to really see. Extensive travel and more time in the outdoors offered such raw wonder that I had no choice but to attempt to chronicle some of these many natural grace moments as I experienced them, both digitally and on film.
These observations captured in a nano second attempt to gather for me a compelling visual library.
Making an acceptable photograph is beyond satisfying. The lens points both ways . . . these results are deeply personal.
Most all of us have at one time expressed interest in a painting, design, sculpture or photograph. Perhaps unable to succinctly communicate the specifics of our interest, but none the less , we have taken time to consider it.
Visual artists who have taken pains to portray their subject, and are successful, to their own critique, provide their audience a 'freeze frame' moment of ponderment. A moment of potential mind-less-ness. This contemplation delivers a solitude.
Such moments are common for those attending a symphony, opera, theatre, and other arts. Time to focus/consider intrinsic beauty, true as well for any experiencing the expanse and grace of nature first hand.
Directly experiencing a piece of art, as listening to a favourite piece of music, supplies us the luxury of decompressing whilst contemplating it fully. Herein lies our potential to disengage from life's clatter, to relax into peace.
Through my images and two photo galleries, I invite you to consider what I saw and how each visual story may connect with you.
These are bits of my visual journey.
Each image presented here came upon me demanding attention. I noticed, took time to marvel, then attempted to best capture its 'natural grace' portrait and further investigate its message.
New prints are released regularly and my two galleries constantly change so check back often.
Share your comments, we invite your feed back.
“ . . . helping soothe the deep reaches of our discontent.”